A2IDEAS – Operations Update (as of May 8, 2020)
Ann Arbor Individual Disability Education Advocacy Services (A2IDEAS) has been founded in effort to be a trusted community resource for families seeking assistance in the Special Education process. Our purpose in operating as a nonprofit is to develop a platform that enables us to help more families secure the most appropriate placement, services, and supports for their children in the least restrictive environments.
Many individuals and families of children with disabilities find themselves entrenched in the world of Special Education among the ‘acronym soup’ of terminology and go through a dizzying array of interventions, services, providers, and placements. While participating in the Special Education process they experience additional stressors. Most parents express feelings of being overwhelmed because their child might be experiencing challenges that make the added endeavors of evaluations, IEP meetings, and just getting through the day difficult. Having the input of an experienced individual who is knowledgeable of the system and potential services can be an invaluable help to a family navigating the path toward the best outcomes for their child.
“What the best and wisest parent wants for his child, that must we want for all the children of the community.
Anything less is unlovely, and left unchecked, destroys our democracy.”
– John Dewey, Educational Philosopher and Progressive Reformer (1859-1952)
Free consultations at local libraries:
Advocacy drop-in hours
Monthly sessions!
Check out our calendar for dates and location: Calendar drop-in dates
Help us better understand the needs of our community by completing our survey!
A2IDEAS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, taxpayer identification number 81-5248477. Your tax-deductible donations ensures services furthering inclusive educational opportunities are available to more families in our community. Donate now
If you shop on Amazon, you can also help support A2IDEAS! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Begin every purchase by using our AmazonSmile.
To support individuals with disabilities and their families through advocacy, ensuring greater access to inclusion opportunities in education and fostering development of self-determination.
We strive for universal supports that value equity, dignity, and independence for all people.